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Commercial Law

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Commercial Law

Many of Martin’s clients own their businesses. He assists them with their commercial law needs, especially with forensic investigations and the commercial recovery of money and commercial litigation needs.

Martin has dealt with a wide variety of commercial aspects during his more than two decades of practice as he specialises in divorce law and the commercial aspects thereof.

Commercial law or business law deals with businesses and trade and the relationship between the different role-players that makes business work.

This is a catchall phrase that consists of various aspects such as:

  • Drafting of contracts
  • Interpretations of commercial contracts
  • Commercial law litigation
  • Risk management of commercial transactions
  • Labour law, and many other aspects.

Commercial Law Litigation

We regard this as one of the most exciting aspects of our work. Court work is always exhilarating you have to think on your feet and, not unlike some of the over glamorised TV legal series, it is thrilling but it can also be exhausting. Naturally, what you see in Court is just the tip of the iceberg.

There is an enormous amount of preparation that goes into a Trial. So, intensive research must be done and comparisons drawn in order that we can argue your case in an informed and comprehensive manner.

No matter in which direction it may lead us or what eventually may occur; irrespective of any obstacle is presented to us we must ensure that we will be equal to the task and able to stay the course.

Interpretation is the axis upon which it all pivots. It is the altar upon which many Attorneys and Advocates egos have been sacrificed in the name of assumption or arrogance or other such unworthy causes.

However, it is also the Archway of Triumph through which the conquering hero emerges.

Choice is extremely important and it all begins with you, our Client. Choose the right Attorney who clearly has experience in all Courts, who is familiar with other Attorneys and Advocates, and has good working knowledge of all the procedures in the various Courts.

Choose the Attorney with whom you feel comfortable and in whom you have confidence to get the job done. If you get that right, you are almost home and dry.

The right Commercial Law Attorney will put you and your Instruction first. They will be honest with you and prepare you for whatever is ahead because they will know the way.

Your Attorney will understand what interpretation he must bring before which Judge in which Court to do battle to bring about the desired result.

Commercial law litigation embraces many things but basically it centres on all things to do with companies and employment; for example, if a contract has been broken.

So, some of our lawsuits would involve say Insurance Litigation or Corporate Eviction or maybe Building Contracts. Employment contracts, Disciplinary Hearings, and Dismissals.

Whatever the subject, no matter how many times we have dealt with similar matters, we undertake each and every case as though it was for the first time we were approaching such a concern.

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